
Center for Infrastructure Resilience in Cities as Livable Environments (CIRCLE) is Recruiting Postdoctoral Research Fellows

The Center for Infrastructure Resilience in Cities as Livable Environments (CIRCLE) invites highly qualified candidates for multiple postdoc positions in broad research themes. CIRCLE is one of three new joint research themes established between the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s (UIUC) Grainger College of Engineering and Zhejiang University in Haining, China (ZJU). CIRCLE is co-led by Prof. Billie F. Spencer Jr. (UIUC) and Prof. Yan Xiao (ZJU) and focuses on the resilience of cities against natural and human-made disasters.

Over 80% of the U.S. population and 60 % of China’s population live in urban environments and rely on their infrastructure systems for essential needs like energy, water, food, waste management, transportation, and telecommunications. Despite advances in engineering and design, cities remain vulnerable to extreme events such as floods, heat waves, droughts, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks. Researchers at CIRCLE have identified four thrust areas as critical to achieving their overarching goal of developing infrastructure-resilient cities as livable environments: energy, water and environment, transportation, and built infrastructure. Each of these thrust areas encompasses unique, essential components of modern cities, yet the areas are tightly coupled through physical, cyber, geographical, and societal connections. CIRCLE adopts a holistic “infrastructure ecology” and “system of systems” approach to study and evaluate urban system stressors, risks, and overall resilience to provide more resilient infrastructure design and, ultimately, enhance the livability of cities.

Applicants should have strong research background and publication record related to energy, water, transportation, built infrastructure, extreme events, large-scale data, machine learning, or uncertainty analysis. Applicants should have obtained a doctorate in engineering, computer science, or a related field.

The term of employment will be two years. Successful candidates will carry out research for one year on the UIUC campus and for one year on a ZJU campus. The salary will be substantially higher than post-doc minimums on the respective campuses.

Interested candidates should send their complete curriculum vitae with publication list, names of at least three persons to be contacted as professional references, and up to five representative publications to Prof. Billie F. Spencer, Jr. (bfs@illinois.edu). A complete official position announcement can be found at https://zjui.intl.zju.edu.cn/en/join/.

For more about CIRCLE, visit circle.cee.illinois.edu